
Show us Your Green Bits

  • Category: General
  • Date:

So, what does your Carbon Management Strategy look like? Got a Sustainable Business Plan in action?

To be fair, some of you do, and some of you don’t. The Government is pushing for reductions in carbon emissions in the future, looking for cleaner, more efficient business practices.

As you might expect, here at NB, we’re slightly ahead of the curve and are doing our bit for the environment. Now, you can go to any printer at all and ask them what they are doing to help the environment and if they are worth anything at all they’ll be able to tell you. Usually along the lines of buying paper from sustainable sources, having recycling schemes, committed to reducing the amount of waste produced etc etc.

All well and good and very commendable. But really that’s the way the print industry has progressed in recent years. 

Where NB are different; where we truly make an impact and why our print is more environmentally friendly than most other printers is that we are totally Carbon Balanced. Since 2012, every year a white coated science type of guy comes along and measures the amount of carbon we as a business produce. They takes these figures away, do some science-y type calculations and come back with the answers. 

The figures are then converted into an area of land which we buy on behalf of the World Land Trust, an international conservation charity committed to preserving critically endangered rainforest. This offsets our Carbon Emissions by preserving an equivalent area of land.

So every time you buy print from us, you’re helping to buy a little bit of the rainforest. Ask your other printers. Are they doing this? Excuse us while we sit back smugly and bask in the glow of how bloody good we are.

We are NB: Nicely Balanced