
Brand New Brand

  • Category: General
  • Date:

You may have noticed a few changes around here lately. NB Colour Print has been going through a bit of a transformation -with the help of our good friends at Absolute Media in Bolton.

Doug Nelson, NB’s Managing Director said “The old brand did us proud but the world has moved on and it was time to re-fresh our image. We hope that once you’ve seen our bold new direction, it will be difficult to forget us.”

Certainly the use of bold, contrasting colours will burn themselves into your retinas. Along with the playful use of the NB name itself to come up with slogans like ‘Naturally Brilliant’ and ‘None Better’.

All of the guys at NB have embraced the new branding. Stroll around the building and from the shop floor to the Sales Team, you’ll see us wearing the NB Polo shirts is varying hues with different slogans on them. 

We’ve not forgotten you guys either. Varying items branded with the new logos have been dropped off with our customers. The water bottles and calendars have proved very popular. In fact so popular, we had to re-print. You know what we’re like. We never say no to a re-print. The branding might be all new, but somethings never change

If you’ve checked out the blog before visiting the rest of the website, why not give it a quick once over and let us know what you think. 

We are NB: Non-stop Bragging