
Why Business Cards Still Matter

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With more business these days being conducted in the digital sphere, you may think that having a physical business card doesn’t matter as much anymore.

If yes, you’re very wrong as there are plenty of reasons why business cards are still important and well worth having. Let’s look at a few them… 

Business cards are the first impression of your brand

To clients that you encounter through face-to-face situations, your personal presentation and personality, as well as your business cards, will be the first impression of your brand.

Just as a well-groomed appearance and smooth conversational manner can hook a potential client’s attention, so too can a well-designed and professionally printed business card.

Using modern design trends and techniques such as embossing or textured cardstock can elevate your business card above those of your competitors. Good designs linger in a potential client’s mind long after you’ve left, helping potential clients become future clients.

Business cards are excellent marketing tools 

Business cards are a way to market your skills. Whether you are attending a networking event or have met someone on the street, if you have business cards with you, you can hand one over. Even with the advancement of digital networking, few things are as quick and simple as handing someone a card.

Having a card on hand also allows you to exchange cards with someone else, a polite networking gesture that will leave a more positive impression than a delayed digital response. Furthermore, business cards can be shared and shown by those who receive them to others who may be interested, helping spread your information further.

Given the potential impact of even a single card, business cards are remarkably cheap. Updating them is also inexpensive, so be sure to keep your contact information up to date.

Business cards help you to stand out 

When connecting with someone digitally, you most likely will end up on a contact list, with your information indistinguishable to every other entry. Even common social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn have very similar pages for all their users, leaving few ways to stand out.

Business cards aren’t just visually different, they can be a tactile experience, linking different senses and helping you stand out from everyone else. Instead of another face on a page or name on a list, you are connected to a small moment in someone’s life, a brief recollection of a meeting—and this, of course, leaves an impression of you in their mind.

We all process information in more than visual ways, and the physical presence of a business card can do more to cement you in someone's memory than you might think, especially if you invest in the high quality design and printing of your business cards.

Business cards are here to stay

Making sure your business card is ahead of the rest can be a difficult task as the world of business is forever changing. NB can help, providing you with expert opinions on modern design trends, innovating printing processes, custom ink, and stock options for your business cards.

With a fast turnaround and inexpensive pricing, you can get your new business cards in your hand and the hands of your clients before you know it.


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