
Top Tips to Make Your Company Brochure an Effective Marketing Tool

  • Category: General
  • Date:

Every business needs to have an effective mix of marketing solutions allocated into the budget, because success depends on attracting and keeping customers. One of the simplest and least expensive marketing investments you can make is a brochure.

If, however, the brochure you make is not effective, then it's not really an investment. Then it's more like an expense.

Making your brochure effective is what converts it from an expense to an investment, so let's take a look at how to do that.

Return > Input = Investment; Return < Input = Expense

1. Keep the text portions short and snappy

This is not going to be a novel, so you just want small snack sized portions of text. Mention the most relevant things, stick to the point, keep it interesting, and don't try to cram in too much information.

2. Try to have a balance of text and images

Text tells people things and pictures show people things. Communication works best when you can both show and tell.

Brochures example

3. Leave plenty of guttering and margin space

All writers and designers understand the power of white space, but when it comes to brochure design, the area around your content takes on extra importance. While it is tempting to try and fill as much space as you can, giving in to that temptation will make your brochure look less professional.

4. Photographs are nearly always a better choice than line art

Using cartoons or clip art, unless you are very careful, will make your brochure look like it was designed in the late 1980s. Sometimes this retro vibe can work in a positive way for you, but that normally requires a conscious choice by a professional designer. It should not just be a happy accident that leads to your success.

5. Full colour is better than monochrome

Colour helps you attract attention, and it also looks nicer. Of course the images you use should be properly colour balanced, and the colours should not scream at the viewer.

6. Don't use too many different fonts

It's usually best to just stick to one or two fonts, and definitely no more than three. The exception would be if you're a font designer showing off your work.

7. Have your brochure printed professionally

Remember what we said at the start about this being an investment? You should treat it like one. Your brochure is going to represent you, and you don't want to look shoddy and cheap.

8. Use quality paper stock

Choose the best and most expensive paper you can afford. It will make a huge difference to the result.

9. Once your brochure is printed, it needs to be distributed

The big mistake many business owners make is to have their brochures printed and then just leave them sitting around on a shelf somewhere. Doing this does not get you noticed. The whole point of having a brochure printed was to get you noticed.

The correct approach is to find as many ways to distribute your brochures as you can. Of course the methods you choose should be legal and not annoying to anybody. As long as you can stay within those parameters you will definitely have more success by actively distributing your brochures.

One tried and true method is to tie in your brochure distribution with a promotional give away. If you are distributing samples of your products or selling gift packs, always slip a copy of the brochure into the bag along with the goodies. This is a certain way to be sure your brochure will be seen by more people.